Custom Screened Topsoil

Your best growing medium

Looking for a lighter blend for rooftop applications? Need a heavier mix for street tree plantings - one that stays in place while still providing tree roots with the necessary oxygen without soil compaction? Cedar Hill's soil-development expertise ensures you get the right blend for your application.

We provide the materials and custom blend them to your specifications in one to two days. Stringent testing guarantees you'll get the proper mix.

Over the years, we've provided custom screened topsoil blends for some of the most complex applications around. An apartment building contractor, for example, sought an ultra-light topsoil blend to create a parklike setting on the rooftop of its parking deck. A combination of perlite and peat moss provided the right mix of organics and lightness. It was light enough to be blown onto the rooftop from below - a critical issue since heavy trucks could not access the site.

In another difficult application, we supported a high-traffic area with a material made from shale. When heated, the shale becomes highly stable yet allows for root growth and the flow of oxygen and water. The product permitted robust growth, despite the heavy foot traffic.

Our custom screened topsoil blends, with their made-to-order specifications and high organic content, are ideal for Department of Transportation (DOT) applications. Visit the clean topsoil page for detail on our specific soil options. To speak with one our custom soil experts about your specific need, contact us at (732) 469-1400.